This study aims to determine the teacher's perception of applying contextual teaching and learning in English lessons and the challenges teachers face in applying contextual teaching and learning. This research was conducted at SMPN 6 Langsa. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method. The sample of this study was class IX in English subjects, where the teacher teaches in class IX SMPN 6 Langsa. The instruments of this research are observation, interview and documentation. Therefore, the challenges teachers face when applying contextual teaching and learning are a lack of support for learning English, such as support from parents and the surrounding environment. Students find it difficult to conclude learning material during discussion activities and lack interest and talent in learning English. The teacher provides a solution from contextual teaching and learning in junior high school 6. The teacher must use a contextual teaching and learning model so students understand quickly. Therefore, a teacher does not only bring children to imagine or daydream. Thus, context doesn't have to be real; you can also bring photos.
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