Predictors of Impulse Buying: Discounts, in-Store Displays and Shopping Lifestyle

Vebrian Kurnia Saputra, Amaliyah Amaliyah


The development of modern retail business has influenced consumer behaviour, namely shifting from planned shopping to impulsive shopping. One business sector that is growing rapidly is the fashion product industry. The fashion industry experiences constant annual changes. Various aspects of fashion have a significant impact on a person's daily life. The purpose of this research is to identify factors that influence customers' tendencies to make impulse purchases, such as sales, store layout, and previous purchases. Quantitative methods were used in this research. One hundred participants were selected randomly using a non-probability selection method known as purposive sampling. Research has shown that several factors can influence impulse buying. These factors include price drops, in-store displays, shopping lifestyle, and the combined effect of all three—impulse buying. Retailers often run sales to entice customers to buy, especially during holidays such as Christmas, Eid al-Fitr and the end of the year. The store's expansive layout of shelves and aisles provides a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere for customers to navigate. In addition, the categorization and colour coordination of merchandise makes it easier for clients to find the desired products. Shopping is a fun activity that offers a pleasant experience for consumers, making it a suitable choice to improve one's mood. Additionally, as price discounts, in-store displays, and shopping habits become more common, the likelihood of making impulse purchases increases.


Price Discount; In-Store Display; Shopping Lifestyle; Impulse Buying

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