Social Workers Knowledge in Social Work Practice in Government Social Welfare Institutions in North Sumatra Province

Husni Thamrin, Subhilhar Subhilhar, Heri Kusmanto, Hatta Ridho


Social problems are conditions that are born in a society that are not ideal, which means there is an unmet need. Social problems arise because there is a striking difference between the values and norms in society and the reality or reality that exists. In an effort to solve existing social problems, social workers are present as a humanitarian aid profession whose main goal is to help the social functioning of individuals, groups and communities to increase or improve their ability to function socially. In carrying out the profession as a social worker, knowledge is needed as a basis for practising social work. This study aims to determine how social workers' knowledge of social work practice at the Government Social Welfare Institution in North Sumatra Province. The results of this study are known. The knowledge possessed by social workers is different than expected; the busy factor of being a complex social worker is also an obstacle for social workers to review and update their knowledge. The social worker profession that emerged not from graduates from universities who have Social Welfare study programmes or the like also creates obstacles to social workers' knowledge.


Knowledge, Social, Workers, Government, Welfare.

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