Harmony and Democracy: the Influence of Religion and Populism in the Political Landscape of the 2020 Medan City Regional Head Election

Rahman Tahir, Subhilhar Subhilhar, Heri Kusmanto, Muryanto Amin


This research aims to discuss the influence of religion as wasyatiyah democracy in the rise of the populism phenomenon in Indonesia, with a special focus on electoral contestation in Medan city in 2020. Religion, especially Islam, has an inherent role in the lives of Indonesians as a guide to life that regulates relationships between people and with God. This research uses a qualitative phenomenological approach to understand how religion can strengthen popular democracy in the face of the rise of populism in contemporary politics. It found that religion has a strong history in Indonesian politics, entering peacefully and emphasizing inclusivism and acculturation with local culture. Populism in Indonesia is often triggered by dissatisfaction with representative democracy and used as a mass mobilization strategy by charismatic leaders. This research examines the relevance of religion in the context of the rise of populism in Medan city, and argues that the utilization of religion does not always have a negative impact. On the contrary, religion can serve as wasyatiyah, strengthen electoral democracy, and unite various social classes in politics. This research offers a solution in the form of increasing people's critical awareness in reconstructing the deliberative and transformative spirit of religion to ensure that religion is used constructively in the contestation of electoral democracy.


Harmony, Democracy, Religion, Populism, Political Regional

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/miceb.v2i0.547


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