Competition Between Family Members of Political Dynasties in Samosir Regency, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia
Regional head elections are a political process mandated by the constitution and are essential to implementing a modern democratic system. In a democracy, political dynasties are still hotly debated, especially in their influence on the general election process. This research focuses on the rivalry between family members in political dynasties in Samosir Regency, North Sumatra Province. This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive approach; the data collection method used was the literature study method used to collect data from the results of literature studies and journals. Data analysis techniques through data reduction, presentation, and conclusion drawing. The research results show that rivalry between members of political dynasty families is an exciting and complex phenomenon. This is an anomaly from the character of "Tribalism Dynasties," which tends to continue its pattern of power succession by placing families based on certain tribes or ethnicities. This rivalry can be caused by generational differences, differences in ideology, vision, or differences in selecting internal candidates between different family branches, and internal family conflicts. This reflects that factors such as ideology, political strategy, and changes in political culture, especially local culture that underlies the concept of "Tribalism Dynasties," can significantly influence a region's political dynamics.
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