Influence of Financial Literacy, Hedonic Lifestyle and Locus of Controls Against Behavior Finance Mediated by Attitude Finance on Student Major Management University Economics and Business Muhammadiyah Sumatra North
The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the influence of literacy finance, lifestyle hedonistic And locus of controls to behavior finance through financial attitudes directly or indirectly. That approach used in study This is approach quantitative. Population in study This is all over Student Major Management Faculty Economy And Business University Muhammadiyah Sumatra North anggakata 2020. Sample in study This use formula slovin so that in get 80 Person Student at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Muhammadiyah University of Sumatra North. Technique collection data in study This use technique questionnaire. The data analysis technique in this research uses an approach quantitative using statistical analysis using the Auter Analysis test Model, Inner Model Analysis, and Hypothesis Testing. Data processing in research This uses a software program PLS ( Partial Least Square ). Research result This proves that directly hedonic lifestyle , locus of control and attitude finance influential significant to behavior finance, literacy finance No influential to behavior finance, literacy finance, lifestyle hedonism has a significant effect on financial attitudes, locus of control does not influence on financial attitudes. Meanwhile, indirectly, literacy finance, lifestyle hedonistic influential to behavior finance mediated by financial attitudes, Locus Of Control has no effect on financial behavior mediated by attitude finance to students Major Management Faculty Economy and Business Muhammadiyah University of Sumatra North.
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