Green Banking Policy in Sharia Banking Companies (Empirical Study on Sharia Banking in South Sumatra)

Rico Apriandika, Mister Candera, Efrina Masdaini, Aditya Teguh Mahendra


This research aims to describe green banking policies in sharia banking companies in South Sumatra. The research sample was middle management female employees in sharia banking in South Sumatra who had implemented a green banking policy. Data collection was carried out through questionnaires. Before being distributed, the questionnaire was tested first on similar companies. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The research results show that in general the Green Banking policy in Sharia Banking in South Sumatra is good. This is based on the distribution of responses, the majority of which have implemented green banking policies (Green Product, Green Operational, Green Customer, & Green Policy). The results of this research can be used as a reference for future researchers, especially in the study of Green Banking in South Sumatra.


Green Banking Policy; Sharia Banking

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