Unveiling the Power of Brand Image: How It Shapes Purchase Intentions in the Cosmetics Industry

Fazarina Rizkiani Ridwan, Akbar Pahlevi


The current surge in business growth is closely linked to increasing competition. The cosmetics industry, in particular, is witnessing significant growth. This study examines how the credibility of endorsers and the attractiveness of advertisements influence purchase intentions through the brand image of cosmetic products in Purwokerto City. Conducted with 100 respondents using an accidental sampling method, data were collected via questionnaires and analyzed using Smart PLS 4.0. The findings reveal that endorser credibility and ad attractiveness do not directly impact purchase intention, whereas brand image positively influences purchase intention. Moreover, brand image serves as a mediator between endorser credibility, advertisement attractiveness, and purchase intention in Purwokerto City


brand image; purchase intentions; cosmetic industry

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/miceb.v2i0.646


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