The Influence of Interest In Learning Using The Time Token Learning Model on Management Learning Outcomes

Harningsih Fitri Situmorang


In the teaching and learning process, of course, there are many things that need to be considered by a teacher to ensure the teaching and learning process becomes smooth and achieves the target learning objectives. One of the things that need to be considered is how a teacher can influence the interest in learning from the students taught. With a teacher able to increase the interest in learning of a student, of course, the learning process will be more effective because students will feel more enthusiastic in seeking knowledge that makes them interested. The way that a teacher can do to increase the interest in learning students is through the use of learning models. There are various kinds of existing learning models that can be used by teachers to increase interest in learning and stimulate students' thinking skills, one example of an existing learning model is the time token learning model. The time token learning model itself is a learning model that is suitable for making students more active in class and making them able to think more critically. So this is expected to be able to affect learning outcomes positively.


Learning Interest, Learning Model, Time Token, Learning Outcomes

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