The Influence of Hedonic Shopping Value and Store Atmosphere on Impulsive Buying at Zacky Butik Medan
This study aims to determine the influence of Hedonic Shopping Value and Store Atmosphere on Impulsive Buying at Zacky Butik Medan. In this study, the data collection technique used purposive sampling method, the sample used was 89 respondents. All analysis in this study was assisted by the SPSS 26.0 program. The data analysis techniques are carried out in the form of classical assumption tests, multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing. Based on the t test that has been carried out, the results show that the Sig. value of the Hedonic Shopping Value variable is obtained at 0.002 <0.05 as well as the calculated t value (3.208)> t table (1.987). So it can be concluded that the Hedonic Shopping Value variable has a positive and significant effect on the Impulsive Buying variable. Next, the Sig. value of the Store Atmosphere variable obtained at 0.002 <0.05 has a significant effect on the Impulsive Buying variable. From this data, the calculated t value is 3.147> t table (1.987). So it is stated that the Store Atmosphere variable has a positive and significant influence on the Impulsive Buying variable.
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