Analysis Of Factors Affecting Populations Who Commuter To Medan City (Case Study: Deli Serdang – Binjai)
Medan is one of Indonesia's third-largest cities, located in the province of North Sumatra. Medan's attraction extends to the adjacent districts, including the Deli Serdang district and Binjai municipality. One of the reasons people relocate is because their income in the city influences their expectations for things like job opportunities and better education. If the value of a utility's territory varies, it can impact the economic conditions in one region, leading individuals to seek alternative areas that better meet their needs. It increases population density while also creating social and economic difficulties. Increased commuting activity is one factor contributing to congestion. The goal of this research is to discover the characteristics of the population that commutes in the Mebidang area (Medan, Binjai, and Deli Serdang). We used snowball sampling to acquire samples from up to 100 respondents. This study employs the Structure Equetion Model Analysis Method (SEM). The results of this study show that transportation factors and economic and social conditions have a significant influence on the population that commutes to the City of Medan.
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