Examining the Consumer Psychological Factors to Pave the Path to Sustainable Food Consumption

Hamza Azam, Nazlida Muhamad, Mohamad Syazwan Ab Talib


This paper discusses unsustainable food consumption, propelled by heavy marketing that further brought resource depletion and climate change. The intended purpose is to realign consumer behaviour, fostering sustainability through a social-ecological system perspective in conjunction with the theory of planned behaviour (TPB). In the current study, the effect of resilience and adaptability concerning psychological variables is investigated simultaneously with perceived behavioural control and subjective norms on attitudes, intentions, and behaviours toward sustainable food consumption. It also investigates the factor of religiosity as a source of potential intervention that could close the intention-behavior gap. The study postulates an extended TPB model of psychological factors from a basis of socio-ecological perspectives to predict sustainable behaviour in terms of sustainable food consumption. This study will guide green marketers, businesses, and policymakers on how to promote sustainability through marketing using the resilience and adaptability of consumers


Sustainable Food Consumption; Resilience; Adaptability; Theory of Planned Behaviour; Religiosity

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/miceb.v2i0.794


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