The Influence of Price and Product Quality on Purchase Interest Through the Competitiveness of Pandan Coconut in the Pangkalan Susu Community

Satria Mirsya Nasution, Wirya Pratama Badri


This research is to determine the effect of price and product quality on purchasing interest through the competitiveness of Pandan Coconut (Case Study of the Pangkalan Susu Community) both directly and indirectly. This study uses a quantitative approach. The data analysis technique for this research uses statistical analysis, namely partial least squares – structural equestion model (SEM – PLS). Data collection techniques use questionnaires. The research results show that price has an effect but is not significant on purchase interest. Product Quality has a significant effect on Purchase Intention. Product Quality has a significant effect on Competitiveness. Competitiveness has a significant effect on Purchase Intention. Price does not have a significant effect on Competitiveness. Competitiveness as an intervening variable is unable to mediate price on buying interest. Competitiveness as an intervening variable is able to mediate product quality on purchase interest. The results of testing the R-Square value showed that the path model using intervening variables was 0.788 and 0.684. In other words, the ability of variable 78.8% thus the model is classified as substantial (strong).


Price, Product Quality, Purchase Interest, Competitiveness

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