The Influence of Investment Opportunity Set, Operating Profit Margin, and Cash Flow From Operating Activities on Return on Assets

Isna Ardila, Monalisa Fatmasari Lubis


The aim of this study is to examine the partial and simultaneous effects of Investment Opportunity Set, Operating Profit Margin, and Cash Flow From Operating Activities on Return on Assets in metal companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The research methodology employs multiple linear regression. The sample consists of 7 metal companies listed on the stock exchange during the period from 2016 to 2022. Hypothesis testing results indicate that partially, Investment Opportunity Set and Operating Profit Margin have a significant influence on Return on Assets. However, Cash Flow From Operating Activities does not affect Return on Assets. The research findings from the F-test indicate that collectively, Investment Opportunity Set, Operating Profit Margin, and Cash Flow From Operating Activities significantly influence Return on Assets.


Investment Opportunity , Operating Profit Margin, Cash Flow From Operating Activities, Return on Assets

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