Analysis of the People's Economy Based on Sharia Business in the Digital Era

Siti Mujiatun, Frida Yanti Sirait


This research analyzes a people's economy based on sharia business in the digital era, with a focus on how digitalization supports community economic empowerment through sharia principles. The digital era has brought significant changes in various economic sectors, including sharia business, through increased access to technology and the internet. Sharia businesses that utilize digital platforms have increased financial inclusion and empowered Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) by providing wider market access and easier capital through sharia fintech. The research method uses descriptive qualitative. The research results show that digitalization of sharia business not only increases operational efficiency but also promotes the principles of justice and social welfare. However, challenges such as the digital divide and the need for supportive regulations remain a concern. In conclusion, the integration of digital technology in sharia business has great potential in building an inclusive and sustainable economy, as long as these challenges can be overcome through collaboration between government, the private sector and society.


People’s economy; sharia business; sharia fintech.

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