The Influence of Service Quality, Price and Promotion on Impulse Buying of Uniqlo Fashion Products

Mutia Arda, Dewi Andriany


The Uniqlo fashion brand sells women's and men's clothing for all age levels with high quality collections with simple but classy designs and affordable prices. The aim of this research was to analyze the influence of service quality, price and promotion on impulse buying among Uniqlo consumers in Medan City. The sampling technique used was the Slovin formula, so the sample size for this study was 100 people. The technique for collecting data in this research was carried out by distributing questionnaires. The data analysis technique uses statistical analysis, namely partial least squares – structural equestion model (PLS-SEM). From this research, it was found that the influence of service quality on impulse buying is positive and significant. From this research it was found that the influence of price on impulse buying is positive and significant. From this research, it was found that the effect of promotion on impulse buying is positive and significant.


Service Quality, Price and Promotion on Impulse Buying

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