The Influence of Human Resource Practices on Organizational Performance with Employee Commitment as an Intervening Variable in Government Organizations in Banyuwangi

Salehuddin Salehuddin



Every organization is obliged to pay attention to performance, both individual performance and organizational performance in order to face increasing competition. Good employee performance indicates that the company's performance is also good. The aim of this research is firstly to determine the influence of HR practices on employee commitment, secondly to determine the influence of HR practices on organizational performance, and thirdly to determine the influence of employee commitment on the performance of government organizations in Banyuwangi Regency. All 130 employees in government organizations in Banyuwangi Regency were used as the population, while the sample size was determined to be 130 respondents, so the sample was a saturated sample. The measuring instrument will be tested with validity and reliability tests. To find out how the independent variable impacts the dependent variable, hypothesis testing is used. The results of the research statistical analysis show that HR practices have an impact on employee commitment, HR practices have an impact on organizational performance, and employee commitment has an impact on organizational performance in government organizations in Banyuwangi Regency.



human resource practices; employee commitment; organizational performance; government organization

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