The Influence Of Training And Digital Marketing On The Growth Of Smes In Nias

Dian Septiana Sari, Samrin Samrin


The purpose of this study is to prove the effect of training and digital marketing on the growth of SMEs. The research design uses the SEM-Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. Data were obtained from 115 SME respondents. Hypothesis testing uses the Bootstrap method. The results of this study prove that training has a positive and significant effect on the growth of SMEs where the more often SME actors receive training, the higher the income they will get. This means that the better the training shown to SME business actors, the more it will increase business growth. Digital Marketing has a positive and significant effect on the growth of SMEs where this proves the hypothesis is accepted. Of course, these findings show how Digital marketing can affect the growth of SMEs so that it is hoped that Business Actors will be able to build their Digital marketing in order to get maximum income.


Digital Marketing and Growth od SMEs, Training

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