The Influence Of Taxpayer Awareness And Pbb P-2 Revenue On Regional Original Income

Hafsah Hafsah, Nurul Hasanah Lubis


The purpose of study This is For know and analyze influence Taxpayer awareness of income original area . For know and analyze PBB P-2 acceptance of income original area . For know and analyze influence Taxpayer Awareness and PBB P-2 Revenue income original area at the Aceh Singkil Regency Financial Management Agency . In the study This use approach associative For know connection every variable . The data in the research were processed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 24.0). . In research This the object under study is on Aceh Singkil Regency Financial Management Agency Office with population as much 38,331 people and samples as much 100 people with withdrawal sample use formula slovin . Research results This is Taxpayer awareness has an influence to income original area . PBB P-2 acceptance is influential to income original area . Taxpayer Awareness and PBB P-2 Revenue have an influence on income original area on Aceh Singkil Regency Financial Management Agency.


Original Regional Income, PBB P -2 Revenue, Taxpayer Awareness

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