The Influence Of Communication And Teamwork On The Performance Of Teachers Of Jeumpa State Middle School, Bireuen District

Fahlida Harnita, Fittriani Fittriani, Safwani Safwani, Rita Handayani, Pitri Yanti


This research aims to analyze, 1) The influence of communication on teacher performance at SMP Negeri 1 Jeumpa, Bireuen Regency. 2) The effect of teamwork on teacher performance at SMP Negeri 1 Jeumpa, Bireuen Regency. 3) The influence of communication and teamwork on teacher performance at SMP Negeri 1 Jeumpa, Bireuen Regency. The respondent data used in this research were 43 teachers at Jeumpa 1 Middle School, Bireuen Regency.The results of this research show, 1) Based on the results of the t test of the communication variable (X1) obtained t count > t table (4.952 > 2.021) with a probability of 0.000 whose value is below 0.05. Thus, Ha1 is accepted, which means that there is a partially significant positive influence on the performance of teacher (Y) at SMP Negeri 1 Jeumpa. 2) Based on the results of the variable t test teamwork (X2) as in the table above, t count > t table (5.541 > 2.021) with a probability of 0.000 whose value is below 0.05. Thus, Ha2 is accepted, which means that there is a partially significant positive influence on the performance of teacher (Y) at SMP Negeri 1 Jeumpa. 3) Based on the results of the F test, Fcount ˃ Ftable (92,478˃ 2.84) with a sig value of (0.000 ˂ 0.05) then simultaneously (together) Communication (X1), Teamwork (X2) has a significant effect on Teacher Performance (Y) of SMP Negeri 1 Jeumpa.


Communication, Teacher Performance, Teamwork

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