Improving English Education Department Students Speaking Skills Through Debate Technique
This study was based on students expectations to have better speaking skills. However, students still had less mastery of vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, fluency, the background of knowledge, etc in order to be good English speakers. In this research, the researcher implemented a debate technique to improve the English Education Department Students speaking skills. The objective of this study is to describe the debate technique implementation in teaching and to identify the improvement of students speaking skills after being taught by implementing the debate technique in their classroom. This research was a classroom action research that was done into two cycles. A test and observation were used to collect the data. Then data collected were analyzed quantitatively. The participants of this research were 41 students at the Class B semester V academic year of 2018/2019 of the English Education Department of FKIP UMSU. The findings of this research showed that the implementation of the debate technique improved students speaking skills. This was proven by students average score of 65 in the first cycle increased into an average score of 80,3 in the second cycle. Therefore, it is believed that to improve the students speaking skill then the debate is its technique.
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