The Role of Instagram Social Media in the Existence of Marketing Communicationi in indonesia
The purpose of this research is to know the role of Instagram social media in the existence of marketing communication in Indonesia. Instagram is an application that allows its users to share photos or videos. Instagram is an iOS, Android and Windows Phone based application. Marketing communication is uses different marketing channels and tools in combination. Marketing communication channels focus on any way a business communicates a message to its desired market, or the market in general. A marketing communication tool through advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, sponsorship, communication and promotion to public relations. This type of research uses qualitative description using descriptive approach. The researchers in-depth interviewed four informants; they are admin and owner of an online business on Instagram. This data collection technique is by in-depth interview, observation, and documentation. Analysis of the data is data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study is marketing communication on social media Instagram is very effective to use because it helps with many kinds feature in the Instagram and it facilitates for purchasing and selling process.
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