The Effect of Applying Grammar Translation Method on Students Achievement in Paragraph Writing
The objective of this research was to investigate out the significant effect of applying grammar translation method on the students achievement in writing. The research was conducted at English Department of University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara. The population of this study are students at second semester. The total samples are 40 students. This research used experimental study with two different groups, the first is experimental group teach by using grammar translation method that consist of 20 students and the second is control group are going to teach without using grammar translation method that consist of 20 students. The instrument used in this study was the written test. Technique for collecting data was experimental quantitative. The data is t-test > t-table or 12,92 > 2,021. The percentage of the effect of x variable and y variable or the effect of using grammar translation method on the students achievement in paragraph writing was 75% and 25% was influenced by other factor. It means that the alternative hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected. From this research, it was found that applying grammar translation method could cause a positive effect on students studying written simple paragraph. After analyzing the result of the students achievement using grammar translation gave significant effect on the students achievement in paragraph writing
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