The Impact of the Translation Techniques and Ideologies on the Quality of the Translated Text of Mantra Jamuan Laut from Malay Language into English
Mantra Jamuan Laut is spells or words used by a sea-handler in the process of Ritual Ceremony/Upacara Jamuan Laut among Malay society in Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai, North Sumatra-Indonesia. This study deals with translation technique, ideologies and quality of the translated text of sea repast incantation/mantra jamuan laut from Malay language into English. Descriptive qualitative is applied The data used in this research are word, phrase, clause, and sentence of translated text of Mantra Jamuan Laut in English. The source of data is document and key informants. Considering the fact that the data which consists of four incantations are translated by five participants, then the results of their translation vary. From the analysis, it was found that the first translator only applied eleven translation techniques, namely, from the most dominant to the least used: established equivalence technique, literal technique, pure borrowing technique, amplification technique, discursive creation technique, adaptation technique, reduction technique, and description techniques has the same frequency as modulation technique. Meanwhile, the second translator applied literal technique most dominantly. The third translator predominantly used literal technique, fourth translator, predominantly applied literal technique with the frequency of 46 times. The fifth translator predominantly applied literal technique for 16 times. Generally speaking, all of the translators predominantly used literal technique; thereby the translators embraced foreignization ideology that mainly focuses on the source text. The utilization of foreignization ideology and the use of source language-oriented translation techniques showed that intercultural and thematic knowledge of the translators are insufficient.
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