Maxims in Verbal Offers by Fabric Sellers in Pasar Central Medan
People communicate verbally or and nonverbally to share information. It will be effective to experience communication since the addressers and addressees get shared information to understand. The way how people should communicate to create more effective interaction is referred to maxims. Those involve the principles should be obeyed in performing communication which are well known as cooperative principle proposed by Grice (2004). Thus, this current study deals with maxims in verbal offers realized by fabric sellers in Pasar Central Medan. It was intended to investigate the use of maxims on sellers offering utterances. Qualitative research was carried out to do the investigation. The data of this research were the sellers utterances when offering their goods to buyers. Then, those data were analyzed qualitatively through a series of stages as proposed by Ary (2010), including data coding, data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion or interpretation. The finding shows that the four types of Grices maxims were functioned by fabric sellers when delivering verbal offers, namely maxims of quantity, quality, relevance, and manner. Those maxims were conducting by flouting and violating processes. Any violation was performed to meet a certain goal, namely getting the buyers desires or interests to purchase. In conclusion, although it occurred in an informal communication, the cooperative principle was observed into four types of maxims based on any process and certain purpose.
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