Islam and Minangkabau Culture
Minangkabau is an ethnic originated from Sumatera Barat Indonesia. Minangkabau culture has a peculiar character compare to other ethnic in Indonesia. While other ethnic in Indonesia mostly used a patrilineal system in heredity, Minangkabau culture uses matrilineal system. This concept has always been used for years even until now. Modernization and globalization may have affected this system lightly, but it doesnt change the core point in this belief, which has been maintained and guarded really well by the Minangkabau community. This article explains and analyzes particularly about the matrilineal system in Minangkabau culture and their life philosophy adat basandikan syara (tradition is based on shariah) and syara basandikan Kitabullah (shariah is based on Quran). These philosophy means Minangkabau customs are based on Islamic laws and Islamic laws are based on Al Quran. Therefore Minangkabau customs are basically based on Al Quran. This philosophy is used by the Minangkabau community after the Paderi War. Paderi War started from the conflicts between the religious leader of The Paderi and traditional figure in Pagaruyung Region in debate of everyday life activities which is resticted in Islamic laws, such as gambling, sabung ayam, drinking alcohol and also the matrilineal system. The loose implementation of Islamic religious rituals and the disagreement from the traditional figure triggered The Paderi and therefore started a civil war in 1803 called The Paderi War. This war lasted for years although finally both parties unite against The Dutch. The research conclude, there is no significant differences between Minangkabau traditional customs and the Islamic laws that are used in everyday lives of Minangkabau community.
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