Learning Development Model Discovery Learning Motivation To Improve Education Student Writing Indonesian FKIP UMSU
In the process of learning, a lot of students are paying less attention occur lessons delivered teacher. That is because the interest of students to the lesson was very little. Students are relatively small because the number of students liked the lesson to be learned. To motivate the student sehinnga be interested in these subjects. Expected to motivate students in writing. By using discovery learning learning model that emphasizes understanding and ideas students will be interested in taking lessons so well that the expected learning achievement can be achieved. Education is a conscious effort involving pesert educators and learners to make the process of learning, in this case the students were actively involved to be able to develop their potential to think and understand the concept of learning and be able to apply it in daily life. If it is associated with writing, it can be stated that the development model of learning is a process that allows the student to improve motivation in writing. Thus, the development of the discovery learning model learning can be used in any learning process, especially when the student will be able to practice a teacher with students in the school. This study aims to determine the development of devices based learning Discovey learning models to increase motivation to write, as samples randomly taken two classes, one class as the experimental class and the other classes as the control class. The variables of this research is the development of a model learning device Discovey learning and motivation to write.
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