The Performance, text, context, and co-text in the oral tradition of Manyonggot Malay Tanjungbalai Asahan Sumatra Utara Indonesia
The purpose of this research is motivated by the assumption that the oral tradition of manyonggot is a tradition that develops and is believed Malay society Tanjungbalai Asahan. This hereditary tradition is still ongoing today. Manyonggot is a tradition ceremony to restore the strength of the soul (sumangat) someone who is sick, affected by the calamity or ceremonies such as departing Hajj, circumcision, and khatmah Al-Qur'an. This tradition is done by doing upah-upah. This research uses qualitative descriptive methods through ethnographic approaches. The instrument on the research is its own researcher using interview guidelines and field records. Findings in this manyonggot oral tradition include: (1) The form of performance, (2) aspects of context covering cultural, social, situation, and ideological contexts, (3) co-classified based on: (a) paralinguistic description, (b) gestures (c) care interactors, and (d) material elements. manyonggot oral tradition performance is a form of cultural communication that contains social and aesthetic dimensions.
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