The Manifestation of the Malay Intellectual Mind and Thinking in the Malay Proverbs
The manifestation of the Malay intellectual minds and thinking is channelled implicitly and explicitly via proverbs. The thinking and intellectual minds in the Malay proverbs has been manifested as social, moral values and functions of the tradition in the social life which portray the philosophy of the Malay ethnic. These interlinks with the notion of metaphysics, epistimology, ethics, logic as well as aesthethic values to the nature and the world of flora and fauna around them. Hence, this paper intends to substantiate the manisfestation of the intellectual minds and thinking of the Malays society within the context of its proverbs. The collection of the proverbs is taken from the Utusan Complete Collection of Proverbs Dictionary. The findings show that the Malay proverbs exhibit the Malay thinking in the existance of metaphysics, knowledge thinking, human moral, notion on the nature dan the aesthetic value. In conclusion, the study on the Malay proverbs has highlighted the true manifestation of the intellectual mind and thinking of the Malay society in formulating proverbs related to the environment and nature.
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