Cloud-Based Tools and Applications in Enhancing Deep Learning Progression in Malay Language Phonetic and Phonology Course
This study was conducted to identify the cloud-based tools and applications in enhancing deep learning progressionin Malay Language Phonetic and Phonology Course among pre-service teachers of Teacher Education Institute (Institut Pendidikan Guru, IPG). The study employed mixed method research design, namely a sequence of explanatory design. A total of 22 IPG Ipoh pre-service teachers were randomly selected for this study. The research instruments were the questionnaire and the semi-structured interview protocol. Descriptive statistics analysis and interview transcript coding were used to analyse the data. The findings showed high score of engagement in the learning (Min = 5.72, SD = 0.72), moderate score of enhancement of the learning goals (Min = 4.14, SD = 2.21), and low score of extension of the learning goals (Min = 1.65, SD = 1.86). The data obtained from interviews showed that the pre-service teachers with high score (green light level) in all three components of the Triple E Framework had potential to acheive the developing and accelerating level in leveraging digital dimension of deep learning progression rubric. The results revealed that the leveraging cloud-based tools and applications must always meet all the three components of the Triple E Framework during phonetic and phonology learning in order to achieve deep learning.
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