The Role of Cam People in Civil Government Affairs in The Middle of the 19th Century
A government that once existed in Southeast Asia and is famous among its neighbors has now disappeared on the world map and was absorbed into the territory of Vietnam. It was the kingdom of Campa (192-1835 AD). The Campa kingdom left many tangible and intangible treasures. Temples Although many were destroyed, still a large number can still be seen to this day. These temples show the majesty of his kingdom through bus-relief carvings, inscriptions, peatung. Followed by a group of materials written on soft materials such as leather, palm leaves and even paper, all in the form of a manuscript. This Cam manuscript covers all areas of human life including medicine, construction to the science of science and literature. So far many manuscripts that have been studied are in the field of epic literature and history. This paper is an introduction to Cam literature in the form of manuscripts stored in several libraries in Perncis and specifically given to a manuscript named CM39 (36), a manuscript of a historical nature.
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