Engagement in Les Brown Speechs Enough Is Enough: Appraisal Analysis
This study aims to analyse the appraisal system focusing on the engagement used in Les Brown Speechs Enough Is Enough. Engagement as source of attitude reflects agree or disagree on someones statements. In terms of this study, there were two research questions must be responded, namely (1) to find out the type of engagement found in Les Brown speechs enough is enough, and (2) to explain how the engagement realized in Les Brown speechs enough is enough. The qualitative approach and interpretative was used in revealing related to the application of engagement by the speaker. The findings of the study found there were monoglossic 45 (18,90%) and heteroglossic 193 (81,10%) which consist of contraction: disclaim 103 (43,27%), proclaim 51 (21,43%) and expansion: entertain 38 (15,97%), attribute 1 (0,42%). The speaker was dominant used contraction in heteroglossic system to show that the speaker wants to convey propositions and proposals that contain definite and firm meaning to motivate the listeners. In conclusion, the most dominant type which found in disclaim namely deny is used to give command to the listeners not to do something in vain.
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