The Relationship between Tahajjud Prayer and the Prevalence of Hypertension in the Elderly in the Work Area of Puskesmas Kedai Durian
Prayer or Salah in Islam is a religious activity that has many benefits as mentioned in Quran and Hadith, including health benefits. This could be achieved because of the nature of prayer that causes relaxation, activating the sympathic and parasympathetic nervous systems which results in maintaining the stability of blood pressure level. In medical point of view, hypertension is still one of the most concerning health problems with rising risk of complications in elderly. This research aims to find the health benefits of one form of the prayer which is the Tahajjud prayer, and thus the relationship between Tahajjud prayer and hypertension in the elderly. To find out the relationship between Tahajjud prayer and the prevalence of hypertension in the elderly in the work area of Puskesmas Kedai Durian. The methods used in this research is analytical using the cross sectional design with the univariate analysis and bivariate analysis and the Spearman test. From the results of the interviews of the Tahajjud prayer, 5% of routine results, 46% routine, 27% less routine, 14% non-routine, 8% very routine, 8%.The groups of elderly that routinely perform Tahajjud prayer (VR & R) have better overall blood pressure level which can be seen in the number of normal blood pressure status than the group with less frequencyof Tahajjud prayer (LR, NR, & VUR).
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