Tradition for Children in Secanggang Teluk Parit Kaca Langkat Village
Indonesia has the independence and culture of marriage and regulations that apply to the community or country regardless of cultural and environmental influences, where the community is and social relations. It is influenced by the knowledge, experience, trust and trust of the local population. It is influenced by the knowledge, experience, beliefs and religious opinions of the people involved. In the family there is a function of social culture, it can encourage the whole family to maintain the nation's culture and enrich it. Islam strongly supports everything that society values as good and is compatible with religious values. Field research (field resech), which is a form of research whose data sources are obtained from research conducted in a particular community environment and collect data directly to the research subjects. Conducting observations and interviews with certain parties. The results of the study, namely Ruwatan referred to in the study, are ruwatan conducted in Teluk Village, Secanggang, Langkat Regency, where in the village, every single child (ontang-earring) who will get married, then performed ruwatan first. and always remember death, so not only think about worldly things. It is also hoped that later after marriage will become a family that is loved by God a harmonious and Islamic family.
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