Improving Students Ability in Writing Spoof Text by Using Estafet Writing Strategy
The study was aimed to find out the improvement of students writing skill in spoof text. This study applied classroom action research design. It was done through planning, action, observation, and reflection. The location of the research was SMA HarapanMekar Jl. Marelan Raya No.77. The subject of this research was the twelve grade students which consisted of 26 students. Based on the writing spoof text score, students score keep improving in every test. In the pre-test the mean score was 40, in the first cycle test the mean score was 66.27 and the second cycle the mean score was 76.23. The improvement also can be seen from the percentage of the students passed KKM in writing spoof text, in pre-test 0% students got point more than 75. In the first cycle test 34.61% students got point more than 75, in the second cycle test 73.07% students got point more than 75. It means that teaching writing spoof text using estafet writing strategy can improved the students writing skill in spoof text.
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