The Effect of Analysis Brand Orientation and Gen Z Consumer Attitudes Toward Green Products Purchase Decision

Tobing Rudy P, Valia Arin, Mulyaningsih Nani


Generation Z is associated with a group of people who pay special attention to environmental pollution and global warming issues. These consumers are concerned over the impact of environmental pollution in everyday life. This is explanatory research with a purposive sampling method. The sample consisted of 83 university students and students in the Green Garden area of West Jakarta, ranging in age from 13 to 26 years. Data collection techniques through online surveys and applying a control questionnaire to research questions. Multiple regression statistical analysis test with SPSS software. The results of the analysis show that there is an influence of brand orientation and customer attitude on purchasing decisions for green products. Gen Z has more exposure to eco-friendly products but needs to have high confidence in eco-friendly products. Brands have an important role in building self-confidence from consumers to migrate from non-environmentally friendly to environmentally friendly consumers.


: Brand Orientation, Gen. Z, Consumer Attitude, Green Product, Purchase Decision

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