Analysis of the Application of Waqf Accounting Standards (PSAK 112)

Kartini Dewi, Amrizal Amrizal


In Indonesia, Statement of Waqf Accounting Standards No. 112 came into effect on January 1, 2021 as a new rule in the regulation of waqf institutions. The purpose of this study is to analyze the understanding and implementation of waqf accounting standard. The object is philanthropic institution, namely Dompet Dhuafa and Wakaf Salman. The research design used qualitative, where data was collected by observation, documentation, and by conducting in-depth interviews with Nazir and the accounting department while data analysis used content analysis.The results of the study found that nazhir Dompet Dhuafa fully understands the waqf accounting standards which have an impact on the application of nazhir entity reporting, while Wakaf Salman who does not understand entirely has not been able to apply them to their reports. The implications of this research can be used to supervise and encourage waqf institutions to pay attention to the standard as public accountability.


Waqf, waqf Accounting, Good Governance

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