Analysis of Factors Causing Unemployment in Central Java in 2021

Meifa Bela Defrensa, Yuni Prihadi Utomo


This study aims to determine the effect of the GRDP of the industrial sector, the GRDP of the agricultural sector, Minimum Wage, Human Development Index (HDI), and the size of the workforce on the level of open response in Central Java in 2021 by using analysis Ordinary Least Square regression. The regression results show that the GRDP of the agricultural sector and HDI have a positive effect on the level of open responses. GRDP of the industrial sector and the labor force have a negative effect on the open response rate. While minimum wage has no effect on the response rate of open responses. The government is expected to pay more attention to the industrial sector and support various economic infrastructure. In addition, the government is expected to improve the quality of the workforce so that it is easier for them to get decent jobs and reduce the unemployment level.

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