A Bibliometric Analysis on Transformational Leadership

Muhammad Rizky Sadif, Dewi Susita, Unggul Purwohedi


Transformational leadership is one of various styles in leadership. The leader, capable of identifying the changes that need to be made, creating a vision to guide the changes through inspiration and implementing them under group commitment. The role of a leader in exerting his/her influences is so important for supporting the company activities and achieving organizational goal. A comprehensive understanding of transformational leadership is still needed. Therefore, this article aims discover the topic of transformational leadership wich has Scopus Indexes and published during 2016 2021 around the world. The research method was conducted by using Harzings Publish or Perish. The results of this study is information about total publication, trends, citations, institustions, countries as well as publisher which has a study about the topic.


Bibliometric, Transformational, Leadership

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/miceb.v1i0.255


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