The Effect of Customer Experience, Customer Value, and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction (Ace Hardware Customer)

Nadya Nurul Sabrina, Paham Ginting, Amlys Syahputra Silalahi, Endang Sulistya Rini, Beby karina F


The research conducted aims to examine and analyze the influence of customer experience and customer value and service quality on customer satisfaction. The object of research at the following writing is Ace Hardware customers. The sample selection method that the researchers used was purposive sampling based on the subject category referring to the age above seventeen years. In collecting data, the respondents used in the observation were 100 people. In collecting data, researchers used a survey method by applying a questionnaire. So that the results obtained in the study are in the form of evidence of findings about partial variables on customer experience, customer value and service quality have a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction.


Customer Experience, Customer Value, Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction

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