Analysis of Factors Affecting Interest Rates, Money Supply, Exchange Rates, Government Expenditures, Government Revenues, and Tax Revenues on Inflation 1992-2022

Bagas Perwito Wibowo, Eni Setyowati


This study aims to analyze the effect of government revenue, money supply, Government Expenditures, tax revenue, exchange rates, and interest rates on inflation in Indonesia from 1992-2022. This study used time series data with the EG-ECM method which was processed using eviews 10 software. The results showed that the exchange rate and interest rates had a positive and significant effect on inflation. Based on the simultaneous test, all independent variables, simultaneously have a significant effect on the dependent variable on inflation. Adjusted R2 value of 23.90714 and 69.39378 in the long term and short term indicates that the variation of the independent variable amounted to 82.04% and 94.28%, while the remaining was explained by other variables outside the variables studied. That all variables have a significant Effect on inflation as well as a positive Effect on inflation.


Inflation, Exchange Rate, Interest Rate, EG-ECM (Engle-Granger Error Correction Model)

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