Literature Study: Development of Donation or Crowdfunding in Indonesia

Lufriansyah Lufriansyah, Andri Soemitra, Zuhrinal M Nawawi


This study aims to classify the topics of fiqh muamalah research on donations. By using qualitative research with content analysis and focus group discussions with economists, the articles used were 13 articles published in journals in Indonesia from 2017 to 2021 by focusing on researching Donation studies in Indonesia, published in journals, and studies -published studies between 2017 and 2022, these studies can be grouped into 3 topics, namely (1) Community Behavior in donating, (2) Legal review in donating, (3) Donation Development. From this study it was concluded that the behavior of the community in donating is very high then the absence of detailed rules related to accountability and accountability provides an opportunity for misuse related to the distribution and use of funds so that laws and regulations are needed that regulate in detail and the development of information and technology provides opportunities the emergence of a technology-based philanthropic/crowdfunding movement that was able to raise more funds.


Development, donation, Crowdfunding

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