Work Stress and Employee Engagement on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as Intervening Variable

Muhammad Irfan Nasution, Nuraisyah Lubis, Welni Lubis, Aida Fani Iryana, Nur'inun Adelia Lubis


Study This aim is to know and analyze the influence of work stress and employee engagement on performance and employee satisfaction. Work as variable intervening with PT. Jetindo Nagasakti Transexpress engaged in the field expedition delivery package. The sample used in the study These are 30 employees of PT. Jetindo. Method research used in the study are descriptive and verification analysis methods. The data analysis technique used in the questionnaire was measured using a Likert scale. To test the validity and reliability used in the study, This is an SMPLS4 application. Result of the study: This shows a positive and significant influence between work stress and satisfaction with work; there is an influence significantly between employee engagement and satisfaction work, an influence significantly between work stress to performance employees, influence significantly between employee engagement to performance employee. Work stress will be influential to satisfaction with work and performance. If an employee feels stressed for a specific moment, work becomes a no-focus and causes the employee not to get satisfied with work. Employee engagement matters to satisfaction and performance employee because. Good employee engagement within a company and with the employee will create excellent and increased performance, giving optimal results for the company if the employee is already performing his Good so will create satisfaction work for him.

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