An Analysis Educational Leadership in SMP Negeri 5 Medan

Siti Armina, Hudnah Hudnah, Ria Juliani Rambe, Emilda Sulasmi


The principal is a professional official in the school organization whose job is to manage all school resources and work together with teachers, staff, and other employees in educating students in realizing an effective and efficient teaching and learning process so that learning productivity can ultimately increase. education quality. The principal has a very important role in school management. The ups and downs of school conditions and the high and low quality of graduates cannot be separated from the role of the school principal. In other words, the principal is the agent or locomotive of change in the school he leads. The principal acts as a leader, fighter, and servant of education. The principal is a leader (leader) both as an organizational leader, administrative leader, and managerial. Organizational leaders are related to their duties to lead an organization consisting of teachers, staff, and students, and their environment. As a leader, the principal must have leadership skills and characteristics such as having a clear vision, responsibility, being firm, wise, willing to sacrifice, and able to make decisions. A leader also sometimes has to take risks in difficult times. The role of the principal as a servant is by the philosophy that in essence a leader is a servant of all related parties, both internal and external. Internal parties are teachers, staff, and students. While outsiders include parents of students and the community. In providing services, the school principal cannot carry it out alone but is assisted by his staff and teachers.


Analysis, Educational Leadership

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