SWOT Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Recruitment and Selection Strategy at “Toko Kopi Tengah Kota”

Syalsa Christy Yastafifna, Ahmad Nizar Yogatama


In the context of Indonesia’s growing coffe shop industry, ensuring the quality of baristas is crucial. The recruitment and selection process is vital to achieving this goal. This study evaluates the effectiveness of recruitment and selection strategies at Toko Kopi Tengah Kota using SWOT analysis. The qualitative descriptive research design employs the IFE Matrix and EFE Matrix for analysis. The results indicate that the recruitment and selection strategies are highly effective, with IFE and EFE matrix scores of 2.89 and 2.75, respectively. The weight score from SWOT analysis quadrants places Toko Kopi Tengah Kota in quadrant I, indicating a strong internal foundation and responsiveness to opportunities and threats. This suggests a growth-oriented strategy, emphasizing the company’s internal strengths and ability to adapt to external factors. The study highlights the importance of effective recruitment and selection processes in achieving business success.


strategic, recruitment, selection, SWOT analysis

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/miceb.v2i0.508


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