Community Participation and Sustainable Development: an Evaluation of Participatory Planning Strategies in Medan City

Bona Manuel Tarigan Sibero, Humaizi Humaizi, Heri Kusmanto, Hatta Ridho


This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the Participatory Planning Strategy in community empowerment in Medan City. Using a qualitative approach with an exploratory research type, data was collected through a literature study, in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and participatory observation. Data analysis was conducted inductively based on conceptualization, data coding, and interpretation of meaning. The results show that community empowerment planning strategies in Medan City's urban villages are conducted in a participatory manner through the Development Planning Conference. Community participation in this planning process ensures the relevance and accuracy of development plans, increases ownership and responsibility for development outcomes, and accommodates local needs. Implementation of the Kelurahan fund policy is carried out in accordance with existing regulations, with the Lurah as the main coordinator. It involves the community in the implementation of empowerment activities, such as training and socialization. Evaluation is carried out through accountability reports that ensure transparency and accountability in the use of funds. This participatory approach is effective in encouraging community participation and self-reliance and supporting sustainable development in Medan City's urban villages.


Strategic, Planning, Community, Empowerment, Participation, City.

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