Comparative Analysis of Policies for the Delegation of Regional Autonomy Authority to the Sub-district Level: Case Study of Surabaya City and Medan City

Illyan Chandra Simbolon, Marlon Sihombing, Hatta Ridho, Tonny Pangihutan Situmorang


This study conducts a comparative analysis of the policies for delegating regional autonomy authority to the sub-district level in Surabaya City and Medan City, Indonesia. This research examines the implementation, challenges, and outcomes of such delegation in Medan and Surabaya, focusing on waste management in Medan and broader administrative functions in Surabaya. Utilizing a qualitative research design, this study employs primary and secondary data collection techniques. Primary data is gathered through semi-structured interviews with city and sub-district officials and focus group discussions with community leaders and residents. Secondary data includes document analysis of relevant policies, official reports, and academic literature. Thematic analysis, supported by qualitative data, is used to identify patterns and relationships within the data, while comparative analysis highlights differences and similarities between the two cities. Findings indicate that while both cities have made strides in decentralizing authority, challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, limited resources, and varying levels of community awareness persist. The study emphasizes the importance of public interest, openness, and professionalism in successfully implementing regional autonomy policies. Recommendations include improving regulatory understanding, enhancing infrastructure and human resources, and fostering transparent and participatory governance.


Comparative, Policies, Delegation, Regional, Autonomy, Authority

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