Post-Covid_19 Digitalization: Influence on ZIS Collection Trends by BAZNAS in the Central Java Region

Ning Karnawijaya


This research aims to analyze the influence of digitalization on trends in the collection of zakat,infaq and alms (ZIS) by the National Zakat Amil Agency (BAZNAS) in the Central Java region. ZIS collection data was analyzed using the Paired Samples T-Test statistical test by comparing trends in ZIS collection from 36 BAZNAS in the Central Java region for the post-pandemic period 2022 and 2023 with a base line in 2021. Research results shows that there are significant differences in ZIS collection trends between the two periods. These findings indicate that the adoption of digital technology plays an important role in improving ZIS collection performance. Digitalization has proven effective in improving BAZNAS' performance. This research suggests BAZNAS continue to develop digital infrastructure and digital campaign strategies to maintain and improve ZIS collection performance in the future. Further studies are needed to evaluate the long-term impact of digitalization and understandthe perceptions of muzaki and mustahik towards the use of digital technology in the collection and distribution of ZIS.


Keyword: Digitalization, ZIS Collection, Post Covid_19

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