The Implementation Of Streets English Tourism Program On Television

Ambar Wulan Sari


Muslim Traveler are one of the special NET programs in the month of Ramadan. This Muslim tourist provides various traveling information, especially for Muslim travelers. This program provides an Islamic nuance with attractive packaging to enrich the days of Ramadan. Muslim tourists are guided by hosts who visit several Muslims living in the destination city. The purposes of this study was to determine the functions of tour guide on TV Programs and the use of English regular terminologies on television stations applied by the tour guide. Research results show that the purpose of the tour guide in this TV program is to introduce Islamic civilization abroad and to provide knowledge to the audience that don't be afraid to travel abroad for a Muslim because abroad also has Islamic civilization and food places that are things to visit. The regular terminology applied in guiding tourists in the program is showing the place of Muslim civilization, be it Muslim historical places such as mosques, ancient cities, residential neighborhoods, ancient buildings, palaces, tombs of the aulia, as well as the natural scenery of the destination country.



English Tourism, Travelling, Program on Television

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