The Effect Halal Certification And Price Perceptions Purchasing Decisions Through Buying Interest As Variable Intervening
This research aims to determine the influence of Halal Certification and Price Perception on Purchasing Decisions through Purchase Intention as an Intervening Variable at Nyushiin Medan Restaurant, both directly and indirectly. This study uses a quantitative approach. The data analysis technique for this research uses statistical analysis, namely partial least squares structural equestion model. Data collection techniques use questionnaires. The results of the R – Square test showed that the path model using intervening variables was 0.528 and 0.355. In other words, the ability of variable X, namely Halal Certification, to explain variable Z, namely Halal Certification explains variable Z, namely Purchase Interest of 5.28%, thus the model is classified as moderate and the ability of variable X, namely Halal Certification, explains variable Y, namely Halal Certification explains variable Y, namely Purchase Decision, at 3.55%, thus the model is classified as weak.
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